I'm working on the last features of Coque And Kieagua Rally. The game has become something a little different of what I planned at first, but in the end it is a game easy to play, enough indeed for kids but enjoyable too (I wish) for adult retrogaming players.
The main new feature is the "Championship" mode, which is the default mode for playing the game. Now, the game mode that was available in the previous versions has been named "Adventure". If you chose the championship you will be able to play all the levels without being affected by the checkpoints. After ending a level you will see the results of the race and a second screen showing the championship table. To win a race you have to explode more balloons than the other drivers and in case of drawn the time will be deciding the winner. For me, this kind of game has two positive effects. First, it allows my kids to play all the game without being eliminated. Secondly, with the proper difficulty it will give around 20 minutes of funny competition for non kids players.

When I started the development I had in mind to create five levels. Now I have to admit that this creative task is a little boring for me as I'm not a graphic/pixel artist. Moreover, I don't think this game needs many levels so, I'm creating the fourth one to complete the game. I thought it was a good idea to have a snowy landscape and to change the obstacles to make them appropriate for this scene. So, the cone is changed to a snowman and the oil spot to ice.
Finally, I'm trying to adjust the playability as currently it is very easy to finish the adventure game with the formula and quite more difficult using the 4x4. I'm thinking what could be the best way to reduce this gap but because of the nature of the game and the features of the vehicles, whatever I'll do, it will be more difficult to finish the adventure using the slow 4x4 but, contrary to this, it is a better car to hit balloons and so, a better option to win the championship.
That's all, in the next days I will be finishing the development and adjusting things to reach a good playability. I expect to spend two weeks or so doing that and then I will publish what I guess it will be the final version of the game.