Toram 0.6.0 has been released.
- New storage system for configuration data
- After launched the application tries to restore the last connection.
- Upload and download speed limit is settable using a menu from the main window
- New context menu for torrent items in the main list
Now the user is not prompted with the connection at the beginning. This only occurs if there is not connection with the remote Transmission daemon or if the user wants to change that connection using the session menu option.
Another change is the bottom status bar showing current speed and speed limit information. On the right you can find an icon used to stablish upload and download limits. You can set these limits to the preconfigured values displayed on the menu.
Finally, right clicking on each item of the torrent list it is possible to access its options through a context menu: start, pause, remove, remove and delete and properties.
You can download Toram 0.6.0 on Aminet